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Sports shifter for Porsche 911 with 901 gearbox

Everybody knows the problem of the bad shiftability of the early 911 and 914 models. On one hand the long shift throw and on the other hand the unprecise guidance mechanism is what can be complained about. But even worse is the lack of safety in selecting the right gear. For these problems we have found a solution...

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Sports shifter 914 before 1972

Everyone who´s got the choice between a pre 1972 914 and the later models would probably decide to take the newer one. Not only because of the stronger engine, but even more due to the bad shiftability of the early types.

On one hand the long shift throw and on the other hand the unprecise guidance mechanism is what can be complained about. But even worse is the lack of safety in selecting the right gear. For these problems we have found a solution...

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Sports shifter 914 past 1972

914 after 1972 grant a even better shiftability compared to the early 914s. This improvement was realized by leaving out a redirection of the shift mechanism. The mechanism now goes directly into the gearbox and can at least be compared to the one of the old 911s.

For those who want to move the car in a sportive way this can not be the final solution. To solve this problem we can now offer remedy with our new Porsche style shifter.

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